4.793.283 resultados, 29.450.556 comentarios, 1.037.175 imágenes, 80.044 vídeos, 86.434 noticias
Imagen de Real Avilés Industrial


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  • info
Ficha de Natalio
Natalio Lorenzo Poquet
39 Años (18-09-1984)
70 kilogramos
Real Avilés Industrial
Tercera División 2021 G 2
  • Jugador del Real Avilés Industrial desde hace 3 años
  • Compañeros de equipo
    • Foto principal de Natalio | Real Avilés
    • Foto principal de Natalio | Real Avilés
    • Foto principal de Natalio | Olot
    • Foto principal de Natalio | UCAM Murcia
    • Foto principal de Natalio | Numancia
    • Natalio
    • Natalio
    • natalio
    • natalio tenerife
    • natalio murcia
    • natalio2
    • Natalio
    • joseherranzl
      Hace 11 años joseherranzl dice: bueno de cara al gol
    • Cr7mola
      Hace 11 años Cr7mola dice: Siempre me ha gustado este delantero, en el Real Murcia jugó muy bien y actualmente es pichichi de su equipo. Me gusta.
    • Hace 11 años supervecin dice: PAQUETE
    • chicle87
      Hace 11 años chicle87 dice: Este es uno de los que hizo que el tenerife esté tan hundido como está hoy.
    • Hace 12 años xxmurciaxx dice: YA VES XDYA VES XD
    • murcianico06
      Hace 12 años murcianico06 dice: que malo es jajajjajque malo es jajajjaj
    • Hace 12 años xxmurciaxx dice: BUEN JUGADORBUEN JUGADOR

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      CONSULTAS (33)  
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    0.0133  SELECT p.*,rp.*,dt.*,p.id as playerId,c.Name,'' as buy_url, p.twitter AS player_twitter FROM `dataplayers` p INNER JOIN `rel_players` rp ON rp.player_id = p.id AND rp.year = 2021 INNER JOIN `datateams` dt ON dt.id = rp.teamId LEFT JOIN country c ON c.code2 = p.CountryCode INNER JOIN categories AS ct ON rp.category_id=ct.id WHERE p.alias = 'Natalio-67464' ORDER BY rp.year DESC, ct.troncal DESC, rp.in_squad DESC
    0.0056  SELECT c.*, l.*, cou.name as namec, ct.table_sufix FROM (leagues l INNER JOIN categories c ON c.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN categories_types ct ON c.ctype=ct.id LEFT JOIN country cou ON cou.Code2 = c.CountryCode) WHERE l.id = 58580
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    0.0037  SELECT c.*, l.*, cou.name as namec, ct.table_sufix FROM (leagues l INNER JOIN categories c ON c.id = l.categoryId INNER JOIN categories_types ct ON c.ctype=ct.id LEFT JOIN country cou ON cou.Code2 = c.CountryCode) WHERE l.id = 62373
    0.0019  SELECT man.action_value, man.stocks, man.sparks, man.points, man.variation, man.valor, man.ini_valor, man.wage FROM games.manager_players man WHERE man.playerId = '67464'
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    0.0020  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 58580 AND action = 18
    0.0020  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 58580 AND action = 19
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    0.0039  SELECT rel.id FROM rel_dreamteam_real rel INNER JOIN dreamteam_data_real dr ON dr.id = rel.team_number WHERE dr.league_id = 56547 AND rel.player_id=67464
    0.0018  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 56547 AND action = 18
    0.0018  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 56547 AND action = 19
    0.0019  SELECT e.* FROM `events2021` e WHERE e.player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 61769 ORDER BY e.date ASC
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    0.0019  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 61769 AND action = 18
    0.0019  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 61769 AND action = 19
    0.0019  SELECT e.* FROM `events2021` e WHERE e.player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 62373 ORDER BY e.date ASC
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    0.0019  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 62373 AND action = 18
    0.0019  SELECT action,minute FROM events2021 WHERE player_id = 67464 AND league_id = 62373 AND action = 19
    0.0022   SELECT c.comment,c.id,c.author_id,c.author_name,c.last_update,c.creation_date,c.votes_up, c.device, fau.user_name, fau.adm AS user_adm, fau.role AS user_role, fau.adm_type AS user_adm_type, c.template, NOW() AS difference_time, fau.changeA AS changeA FROM comments AS c LEFT JOIN fa_user_mini AS fau ON fau.id = c.author_id WHERE c.`active` = 1 AND c.device = 'web' AND c.to_review=0 AND c.comment_id=0 AND c.lang = '1' AND c.language = 'es' AND c.`playerId` = '67464' ORDER BY c.last_update DESC, c.creation_date DESC LIMIT 0,15
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